Nature Intelligence

Promotion of Nature connectedness in youth work

A long term partnership project of five organisations from 4 countries (Netherlands: Anatta Foundation, IVN Environmental education; Italy: Kamaleonte; Czechia: Čia Čekija – Natural Spirit; Slovenia: Ambitia Institute).

The main aim of the partnership is to establish and explore the new concept of Nature intelligence and to suggest ways of implementing it in youth work.


This 18 month strategic partnership aims to contribute to a green and sustainable Europe and has the following objectives:

  • to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how to promote environmental sustainability in European youth work
  • to provide a non-formal educational approach for youth workers to work with young people on the development of their competences in environmental sustainability
  • to empower young people with competences that enables them to increase their impact and raise their voices on the environmental practices and policies in Europe.
  • to promote the mental health of young people through a stronger nature connectedness
  • to strengthen the collaboration and involvement of the partners in European youth work

Project outcomes

The project will produce three Intellectual Outputs:

  • Theoretical framework for youth workers and youth organisations that would like to work on nature intelligence. It should offer a holistic and systemic framework & working model for both the professional and their organisations. The promotion of nature intelligence will happen through a cognitive, emotional, behavioural and intuitive approach.
  • Practical manual with multidisciplinary guidelines, approaches, strategies and methodologies for youth workers to promote nature intelligence.
  • Pilot training for youth workers and their organisations on working with nature intelligence.